Wild Aware Utah is an education program providing Utah residents and visitors with wildlife awareness and safety information.

As the human/wildlife interface expands through housing and other developments throughout Utah, rural areas are becoming more urbanized. And with outdoor recreation becoming increasingly popular, there’s a rise in citizens concerned about how to be safe in these areas. As Utah continues to grow, and as humans and wildlife compete for space, the number of conflicts will increase.

The goal of the Wild Aware Utah program is to create awareness throughout Utah that will foster new attitudes towards wildlife and motivate behavior changes in people, resulting in minimizing conflicts with Utah wildlife.

Bird chirping

Danger or nuisance? The first step in handling a conflict with wildlife is to learn more about common human/wildlife interactions and how to manage them.

Bear hiding in trees

Here are numbers to call if a wildlife conflict poses immediate danger for the animal or people in the area.

Holding hands

Show you care. Learn how to volunteer, make a donation to the program or to inquire about scheduling a presentation.

Utah’s Hogle Zoo, the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and the Utah State University Extension have partnered to develop tools to educate individuals and communities about how to live, work and recreate safely in wildlife habitats in Utah. Wild Aware Utah will provide simple guidance and direction for Utah communities through these three main messages:

  • Be aware of the wild: Learn about Utah wildlife
  • Share the wild: Respect and Change Behaviors
  • Care for the wild: Take Action, Coexist Safely and Help Wildlife Stay Wild

The Wild Aware Utah program does not take positions on wildlife issues or policies. The materials are designed to be fact-based, neutral and applicable throughout Utah.

Wild Aware Utah

c/o Hogle Zoo
2600 Sunnyside Ave
Salt Lake City, UT 84108

[email protected]
